The Full Story
About Grace.
I have sweet memories of my early years in Kilmichael, Mississippi. My dear mother and father encouraged me to know myself as a unique individual, one with an inner power to do good for others. They are my ultimate, lifelong inspiration, the gentlepeople who instilled in me the values of respect and gratefulness.
From a very young age, I worked steadfastly to help support my family, vowing to one day bestow good will and fortune on the community that so formed me. Fast forward to now and my visiting Rwanda in 2010, I was inspired by a speech given by President Kigame. In expressing how he and the people of Rwanda wanted trade not aide, he emphasized that while aide is appreciated, the people of Rwanda want to create and become entrepreneurs. In that moment, recalling my dear parents telling of my inner power, I began my work of enabling grace and opportunity for humanity.
As our world moves forward, I am exultant in introducing a most personal endeavor, one which will empower young artists to flourish in their lives. As a mother, I see in all my children an artist from the heart. I am enormously thankful to them for inspiring me to support young artists as they seek to sculpt their genuine legacies.
“When I realized who I Am; I now know I have the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference”.
~Grace Helen Hightower